Ardelle Dickerson, Miss Teen District of Columbia United States 2018
Claim to Fame:
I inherited my late grandmother’s name that just so happened to be the same as a cosmetic company. So, whenever I introduce myself to people (girls specifically), they always respond: “Oh Ardell(e)! Like the eyelashes?!”
Fun Fact About You:
I work as a secret shopper at an amusement park. I get paid to ride roller coasters all day.
If you have one wish to be granted in 2018, what is it and why?
I would wish for 1,000 more wishes! If that’s not an option, my one wish would be to receive acceptance letters from all of the universities I applied to.
Tell us about your platform or yourself, choose one or both.
Falling into the stigma as an African American battling mental adversities, I felt conflicted to open up about my severe depression and anxiety. I want to ensure that minorities in my state understand the importance of being self-aware regarding their mental health.
Working as a Suicide Hotline Responder, I console many adolescents who are LGBTQ+, low-income and are Hispanic or black. From my experience, teens in this demographic deal with so much social backlash. It’s imperative that they know the available resources in order to prevent the prolonging of an invisible illness.
As Miss Teen DC United States, it’s my obligation to provide support because of representation matters.
What is your passion or interest outside pageantry?
I love filming makeup tutorials! I’m high school, I dealt with cystic acne and covering my blemishes was an everyday thing. A once problematic routine turned into an artistic passion of mine. I even spent my summers working at Sephora showing girls proper skincare and how to feel beautiful even with hectic pimples.
Where can we follow you on social media?
Instagrams: @Ardelledickerson & @MissTeenDCUS
Congratulations Ardelle I am so very proud of you continued blessings...Miss Carmen #alwaysyourcheerleader