Tuesday, September 25, 2018

Beauty For A Cause: Miss Earth 2017, Karen Ibasco

On November 3rd, Karen Ibasco, Miss Earth 2017, will crown her successor. Despite her success - she is humble, kind, light-hearted... and she still loves watching cartoons. Yes, fascinating! She's one of us, isn’t she? When it comes to fame, she says, "I am not the type who runs after fame. I know if you act on what you are called for, people will start noticing your heart and sincerity for what you do." 

Karen loves travelling and seeing the beauty of nature around her; experiencing a variety of cultures, food, and lifestyle. She believes that a woman who loves to travel is one of the qualities of every Miss Earth winner. Outside the glamorous life of pageantry, she is a health enthusiast. "I'm the kind of person that doesn't need to be dragged into the gym just to workout. Exercising is a part of my lifestyle." She further added, "I am also an art enthusiast. Few people know that I was supposed to take up fine arts in college, but even though I didn’t pursue that career, I still have that passion in me and pursue different short courses in art and design.” 

As Miss Earth 2017

Karen got involved in pageants because she envisioned pageantry as a platform and an avenue of disseminating a worthy message to capture the attention of the people around her. When it comes to her mission as Miss Earth 2017, "In connection to how I got involved in the world of pageantry, it's using my profession to be a credible advocate of sharing an environmental message to all people as I maximize my platform of being Miss Earth."

On Environmental Issues: Technology and Developments vs. Environmental Protection and Awareness

PageantLIVE (PL): Social media especially Instagram is very influential to millennials and Gen Z, how do you incorporate the Miss Earth advocacy through them, so they would have a better understanding as to why we need to "Act Now" when it comes to having a sustainable future?

Karen Ibasco (KI): Social media is one of the most essential tools of this generation and a lot of people including me are more inclined to using Instagram since I can post a caption with an inspiring photo of how a small environmental act goes a long way. I believe it's being creative on how you will make it interesting for the millennials, how spreading more awareness is important in doable ways, and how they can act on it by posting photos and videos. I personally do it, and on Miss Earth activities I am involved in and also sharing environmental groups and movements they can join in. 

PL: There is an alarming increase of developers who are eyeing on building infrastructures, such as housing and industrial developments in wildlife areas, just because it sounds like an "exotic place," how are we able to press the issue that the ecological effect of these virgin forests is crucial to wildlife survival? It's negative impact on mankind's health survival?

KI: It's very essential that people understand the balance between economic growth and environmental sustainability. I understand that the developers want to grow their businesses, but it should not compromise the ecological balance. There are things meant to go about the way it was originally created. It's not a wrong vision of wanting people to experience nature but risking the preservation of that place is non-negotiable. 

Honestly speaking, people are undisciplined that cause all the damages. These wildlife areas are where biodiversity can be found which is essential to the ecological balance. They are also crucial for the wildlife and for humanity’s quality of life and survival. Trees have vital roles in the ecosystem. They act as a carbon sink, source of food, habitat of animals, etc. What will the future be if trees can no longer be found and are replaced by infrastructure everywhere? Climate change will surely worsen in ways unimaginable that are a threat not just to properties, agriculture but to our own lives as well.

Defining Beauty and Women Empowerment

"For me, beauty is not just about the beautiful facade that people see or the unfading beauty of the inside, it's about the balance of both and having a sincere heart for what you do that radiates and resulting to empowering and inspiring not just yourself but also the people around you."

"Women empowerment is seeing a woman with a distinct role in the community that can't be lived without."

To end the interview, we asked Karen for something she can’t live without? She genuinely answered, "I can't live without having my devotion or quiet time with the Lord every morning. It is what equips me every day as I take time to read God's Word."

Karen Ibasco is a perfect definition of beauty, earth goddess and an eco-warrior with a pure heart. She is Miss Earth 2017.

PageantLIVE and Ask The Crown Exclusives. PageantLIVE is known for exclusive interviews, and we pride to have and maintains on publishing our original contents. 

**Disclaimer: Cover photo from www.girlontv.com. Karen planting mangrove from Twitter. Karen in the green evening dress from Facebook.

Thursday, September 13, 2018

Ms Earth 2018 Corrine Devin: From the Navy to the Crown

Corinne Devin is a naval officer, pageant veteran, and an orthodontist. A fun fact, she was also a coxswain on a male crew team in college. It’s been a roller coaster ride of eleven years but Corinne has enjoyed every minute of it. When she was in dental school, she noticed how her faculty who had a military background wasn’t afraid of pushing the envelope or trying new things for her patients so when she was offered a military scholarship in the Navy she signed up. During her fellowship, she was told she had the personality of an orthodontist but didn’t know what that meant until her deployment where she was wiring jaws shut of marines. She found in orthodontics where she could change her patient’s outlook, improve their confidence and develop a fantastic doctor-patient relationship. 

Her Start In Pageantry

Corinne got involved in pageants when she was 24 years old and was in dental school. A classmate of hers informed her about the Miss USA competition where the 2nd runner-up that year was a dental school student and told her that she should do it.  Before she even had a chance to answer, another one of her classmates stated, “Corinne could never do that and told me I dare you to do that.”  That’s all she needed to hear to take the plunge and do her first competition. That moment compelled her to compete and try for something others thought would be unattainable. 

The reason she chose the Ms/Mrs. Earth system is for several reasons. She wanted to be part of an international system where she felt that many aspects could be incorporated into her daily life. Corinne lives overseas and constantly travels. By being overseas she has the unique opportunity to be an ambassador and role model from taking care of the environment to education - to the health of her community. These goals fell in line with the Mrs Earth Organization as it not only advocates taking care of the planet but also kindles the sisterhood and camaraderie that exists. Corinne was drawn to it by the women who were coming to compete. Her predecessor, Ms Earth 2017 Kristin Chucci, is a good friend of hers who she has known for ten years, and she really set the standard of how she wanted to carry out her year as Ms Earth 2018.

Missions and Mantra

Corinne believes that education is very important in today’s society:

“If we don’t educate our youth, none of the changes we make today will carry on for tomorrow. We live in a world where there are five continents and over a hundred countries, but the one constant is that we all share this planet together. It’s the commonality we have despite the many cultures and societies we function in. Learning to put that first is a challenge I want to take on living in another country and in my travels abroad.”

Corinne’s favorite experience was reuniting with old friends and meeting new friends. In the last year, her job relocated her to Sicily and as she has navigated her new home and life in Europe the one thing she has missed is pageantry. She’s been able to visit three women in her division that live in different countries. The sisterhood she has gained through pageants has been a valuable experience. The international friends she has made along the way have been supportive and she could not be more thrilled to have the time to share that bonding experience with them. 

Ambitions and Goals 

Corinne has a few goals she has set for herself during her reign. She would love to travel to ten countries on her list to promote the earth system, as well as go to national pageants that support this international system. Corinne loves to travel and aspires to throughout her year with an eco-focused mindset. She would like to act on behalf of organizations as a spokesperson as she currently works in public affairs in the Navy, Italy, and the United States. She would like to use her title as a way to impact, speak and educate as many people as possible. Her third goal is to serve as an ambassador for Mother Nature and bring light to this cause with the strong and powerful tool of social media to incite enduring change. 

When it comes to beauty she also enjoys eating clean and the feeling of a great workout or a night catching up with friends. Corinne could be dolled up or wear no makeup and lounge in workout clothes but it’s what she radiates after taking care of herself that matters. She finds the strength in struggles and opportunities when there are obstacles. She has learned to be innovative with every challenge that she has faced, handling it with stamina, grace, and dignity that not only pushes her to be better but also raises the bar for the women who surround her.

Words of Wisdom

“Plan ahead and Network. My journey started two years ago by looking at where in my life can I improve, and change for the better. Learning how to cook, work out smarter, and apply stage makeup all required planning and creating a team of individuals that could help bring out the best in me.”

Must-Have Necessity

One thing she couldn’t go without? Chapstick. With super dry lips, she has one stashed in every handbag in her car, office, and coat in the office.

By: Natalie McGovern

PageantLIVE and Ask The Crown Exclusives. PageantLIVE is known for exclusive interviews and we pride to have and maintains on publishing our original contents.


Sunday, September 9, 2018

Collective Thoughts On Miss America - What Could Be the Most Underwhelming or Anticipated Event

We’ve observed over the past couple of weeks a potential cluster that is about to unfold, i.e., Miss America 2.0, and we are going to be as frank as possible with no PC jargon shading our perspective. Some things seem progressive, some antiquated, and some things just leave us scratching our heads. 

Before we get started on our expert critique, we want to give this disclaimer: If an organization is going to truly empower women and take back that power, then some hypocrisy needs to be addressed first. For instance, the current leadership that pretends to support women when truly they are blatantly silencing their voice. Chairperson Gretchen Carlson and CEO Regina Hopper, who has notoriously been dubbed the "Ice Queens," have employed bullying and gaslighting tactics that would make every HR personnel cringe. 

Gretchen has been proven a bully and there's no mistaking that. She can deny all she wants, but we see through the facade. There are signs plastered all over Atlantic City protesting her ill leadership because, you know, you'll always be able to spot a fake mean girl getting called out.

Cara showed us what she's made of, and it's truly admirable. She’s spoken the truth on national television without permission but did so with the girl’s interests at heart. And she wore a pink gown on stage during prelims which is probably the best way to "stick it to the man." #standwithcara

Other things to note: Several former Miss Americas' who did not speak out against Gretchen or sign the petition are helping her host. So do they support bullying or just crave the spotlight? Stand on the right side of history because America is watching.

No Miss? Sashes now simply say the name of the State they hail from. How is this then still technically “Miss America?” Looks like they missed the mark.

Some candidates supposedly are trying too hard and are fully embracing the PC changes and supporting Gretchen Carlson and her minions, ad nauseum. Dial it back a little, girls. We all know you want the crown, no matter the cost.

No Runway. If you are still modeling and presenting in an evening gown, why not just strut it? No one is calling NYFW and chastising them for their runway during fashion shows.

Of course, there is no swimsuit, which we totally lament. We predict lovers of the bikini (pretty much the majority) will start to leave in flocks. We hear formers calling Miss USA's name.

Rumors heard through the pageant and grapevine are that locals and state pageants might be entirely dissolved to pave way for future regional competitions. Okay, this is not American Idol. State and local pageants benefit the community as a whole and further promote the organization. Hmm... That would explain the doing away with “Miss” on the State title.

If talent now counts for 50% of the score then doesn't that alienate more women than the swimsuit competition ever did? Again, this is not American Idol. Isn’t the goal to be inclusive of all women?

Let’s be real, folks. Half of the glitz and glamour might be gone, but this is still a pageant.

By: Natalie McGovern

PageantLIVE and Ask The Crown Exclusives. PageantLIVE is known for exclusive interviews and we pride to have and maintains on publishing our original contents. Photos from Wayne Parry/AP, Getty Images and the Atlantic Press.
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